I had a long and hard life. Thank you, Yahuah (God), for all his and her help, for me finding myself running the streets and selling drugs and stealing like it was no tomorrow. I woke up one day in jail ceil my twenty times; it was like a summer camp to me, and my mind was so polluted from lust and material things, I did not believe in the most high at that time they call people like me an atheist who doesn’t believe, I am a true believer now I gave my life to Yahshua (Jesus), you ever heard that statement when you ready to learn the teacher will appear, that happen to me, things started happening to me that I could not explain, truthfully I was scared to tell people I did not want them to think I was crazy , Yahuah (God) show me the power of his and her works, the reason I said his and hers because Yahuah (God) is the Universe, it is everything its a beautiful thing to share the love.